Newspaper Articles

On the Catalan 'independence process'

This is a series of articles in the Spanish EL PAÍS, which started after the first large demostation in favour of Catalan independence on September 11, 2012 (11/09/2012). Unfortunately, my concerns were pertinent and most of my dire predictions right. If anything, reality has surpassed my expectations. A sad story about history in the making. (last article: 26/10/2017)

"La confusión de la independencia" (02/10/2012) [sp] "The confusion of independence" [en]

"Cataluña, ¿sociedad abierta?" (10/08/2013) [sp]

"Interdependencia (no independencia)" (07/10/2014) [sp], "Interdependencia (no independència)" [cat] (in the first number of the online Catalan version of EL PAÍS)

"Cuatro tópicos sobre Cataluña", with Javier Diaz Gimenez, Juan Rubio Ramirez and Sevi Rodriguez Mora (26/09/2015, day of the Catalan parliamentary elections) [sp], "Quatre tòpics sobre Catalunya" [cat]

"Por una descentralización creíble" (23/03/2017) [sp]

"El final del ‘procés’" (12/09/2017) [sp]

"Los retos maquiavélicos del 155" ( 26/10/2017) [sp], "The Machiavellian challenges of Article 155" [en] (the day after, 27/10/17, the Catalan Parliament 'declared' the independence, the Spanish Senate approved Art. 155 and the Spanish government passed a series of decrees for its implementation; among them, the disolution of the Catalan Government, with the Spanish government taking direct control of its tasks, and of the Catalan Parliament, with a call for Catalan elections for a new Parliament on December 21, 2017).

My slides in the February 14, 2018 at the LSE debate on the "THE ECONOMIC DIMENSION OF THE CATALAN CRISIS", which can be seen here.

Other articles in EL PAÍS

On Spain's political economy

"Una alternativa aristotélica" (01/02/2016) [sp]

"Para evitar una década perdida" (18/07/2014) [sp]

"La importancia de hacer Estado" (16/01/2013) [sp]

"Actuar ahora pensando a largo plazo." El Pais (11/01/2012) [sp]

La destruccion de espejismos (The destruction of mirages)(print) (29/04/2009) [sp]

On the European Union

"Es el momento de la union fiscal europea?," EL PAÍS (9/12/2011) [sp] "Is it the time for European fiscal union? [en]

"Compromisos creíbles para la Eurozona," (original) with Thomas Cooley EL PAÍS (12/07/2011) (print)[sp], "A credible commitment for the eurozone?" with Thomas Cooley Vox version [en]

"A credible economic order for the Eurozone," Vox version, 17/3/2011, and original version (14/3/2011).

"El pacto del Euro y el comercio tieso," (The pact for the Euro and the tight comerce), EL PAÍS ( 16/3/2011). [sp]

"The inconsistent Europe 2020 and research strategy," voxeu (12/03/2012) [en]

La credibilidad del euro (The credibility of the euro), EL PAÍS, (12/05/2010) [sp]

Del 'crash' de 1929 a la crisis de 2008 (From the 'crash' of 1929 to the crisis of 2008) (12/01/2009), Del 'crash' de 1929 a la crisis de 2008 (original article)

La 'aritmética incómoda' del nuevo orden financiero (The Unpleasant Arithmetic of the New Financial Order), Cinco Días (13/11/2008), La 'aritmética incómoda' del nuevo orden financiero (print).

On Tom Sargent and Chris Sims's Nobel Prize

"Un premio al método científico en política económica,"EL PAÍS (10/10/2011) [sp], "A prize for the scientific method in economic policy," Vox version. [en]


Newspaper Interviews

Expansion 19/04/2011 (Spanish)

AVUI 06/04/2011 (Catalan)

AVUI 14/06/2010 (Catalan)